Our History

A New View
Temporary exhibit “St. Clair’s Defeat Revisited: A New View of the Conflict” had an amazing run at the Fort Recovery Museum from Nov 4 to Jan 11. The exhibit tells the story of St. Clair’s Defeat, its aftermath, and Tribes today from a Native perspective. See the traveling exhibit web site for the 15-minute welcome video and all exhibit content on-line.
"A New View" is now at the Fort Wayne History Center until May 11. It then travels to Northeast Oklahoma A&M College in Miami, Oklahoma, and will be at the Ohio History Center in Columbus in 2025. Stay tuned, the Fort Recovery Historical Society is working on ways to make this exhibit content part of the Museum’s permanent displays, hopefully in fall 2024.

Precontact Artifacts
Our Precontact Room, located on the 2nd floor of the museum, contains over 1,000 artifacts representing all precontact eras from Paleoindian to Late Prehistoric. Artifacts are organized in chronological order by type of artifact, along with a timeline showing and explaining how people during that time lived and used the associated artifacts.

Fort Recovery
Historical Society
The Fort Recovery Historical Society (FRHS) was established in 1946. Our mission statement is "Remembering the past and promoting the future." Since the beginning, the FRHS has actively promoted our village's rich history and proud heritage. Since 1982, the FRHS has managed the Fort Recovery Museum and Monument. If you are interested in joining the FRHS or want more information on our projects, please contact FRHS President Kim Rammel at (419) 852-0028.